Concerns, Complaints and Safeguarding

The management and staff of Parc Vro aim to listen and act on the views and concerns of residents and to encourage discussion and action on issues raised before they develop into problems and formal complaints. We therefore welcome comments and suggestions for residents and their representatives, friend and family. 

Positive comments help us to build on our successes but we can also learn from comments that are critical. We undertake to look into all comments or complaints as quickly as possible and to provide a satisfactory response.

Anyone who feels dissatisfied with any aspect of Parc Vro should, if possible, raise the matter in the first instance with a responsible member of staff. It may be that the staff member can take appropriate and immediate action to respond, and if appropriate, apologise. 

If the complainant feels uncomfortable about raising the behaviour of a particular member of staff with the individual directly, they should approach someone more senior. Any staff member receiving a complaint about themselves or a colleague will try to sort out the matter as quickly as possible.

If anyone who is dissatisfied with any aspect of Parc Vro feels that when they raised the matter informally it was not dealt with to their satisfaction or is not comfortable with the idea of dealing with the matter on an informal basis, they should inform the manager of Parc Vro that they wish to make a formal complaint. The manager will then make arrangements to handle the complaint personally or will nominate a senior person for the task.

The person who is handling the complaint will interview the complainant and will either set down the details in writing or provide the complainant with a form for them to do so. The written record of a complaint must be signed by the complainant, who will be provided with a copy, together with a written acknowledgement that the complaint is being processed, outlining the timescale for responding. 

The complainant will be informed of their right at any stage to pursue the matter with CQC and will be given details of how the CQC can be contacted. The person handling the complaint will then investigate the matter, interviewing any appropriate staff. If it is necessary to interview other residents or anyone else, the complainant’s permission will be sought. Complaints will be dealt with confidentially and only those who have a need to know will be informed about the complaint or investigation. 

The investigation will be completed in 28 days unless there are exceptional circumstances, which will be explained to the complainant. As soon as possible the person investigating the complaint will report back to the complainant, explaining what they have found and providing them with a written copy of their report. 

The person who investigates a complaint will initiate any action which needs to be taken in response to their findings, will inform the complainant about any action, and will apologise or arrange for an apology if that is appropriate. We hope that this will satisfy the complainant and end the matter. If the complainant is satisfied, they will be asked to sign a copy of the report of the investigation and the action taken. 

If the complainant is not satisfied with the investigation of the action taken they will be informed of their right to pursue the matter with CQC or Local Authority at the following addresses:

Care and Quality Commission

Southwest division, 

Adult Care and Support HQ Citygate

Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne


Tel: 03000 616161

Local Authority

Old County Hall




Tel: 0300 1234 131


 A priority of Parc Vro is always to ensure the protection and safety of vulnerable adults.

All suspicions or evidence of abuse should be immediately referred to the Registered manager who will in turn report to the Social Services and Adult Protection Team. This should also be reported directly to the social services adult protection team if there is an obvious failure from management to respond, if however you feel that the Adult social services have again failed to respond then you may wish to report your findings to the CQC.  Address as above following complaints procedure.